Saturday, January 26, 2008

Last week of freedom!

I am officially beginning my last week of freedom. As of next Friday, I will be starting my new job with NACCRRA. NACCRRA is a non-profit organization that helps military families and Americorps/Vista members receive subsidized childcare monies. I know--totally not related to my criminal justice degree at all. I actually worked for them last summer when I was doing temp work, and I had a great time--the bosses and employees are great to work with, its a very relaxed atmosphere, and the salary is pretty good too. It's a great job for now, until I have a chance to pursue my real career dreams. Overall I'm excited to start working, although I know that once I can't sleep in all the time and watch movies everyday I will be greatly disappointed!
Doug is taking an LSAT prep class this weekend that is 9-5 on both Sat and Sun! I can't imagine sitting in a classroom for that long. He hasn't been scoring as high on his practice tests as he wants to, so hopefully this class will boost his score and give him the extra confidence he needs to go into his test next weekend. I feel bad for him, because we moved here so that he could have the time off to study, but he has been going to so many job interviews that it has really cut into his time to prepare. It was my fault, I sent in his application to Robert Half (an accounting head hunting agency) thinking that it would take a few weeks for them to process his application and get him hired. Boy was I wrong! They called him the next day, and he has gone to 9 or 10 interviews in two weeks. They are all great job opportunities for him, whether it is for the next 6 months until law school or if he doesn't actually get into school this year and has to work full time. So we will see what happens. Be praying for him to do really well on his LSAT!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Doug's Hair Fiasco!

As with any new place, its hard to get accustomed to trying new things...especially trying to find a place to cut your hair. Doug is particularly picky when it comes to this--he had a great girl in Wichita named Audrey who worked at the Eric Fischer Salon (for those of you in Kansas needing a hair stylist!), so he was pretty spoiled. He asked me to find someone to cut his hair, so on a recommendation from a friend, we tried this place called Hair Works by Tom Noufal, in the Landmark Mall. Big mistake!! Tom himself cut Doug's hair, and it was a disaster! He barely spoke English, and he didn't even ask Doug what he wanted. He just started cutting away, and literally five minutes later pronounced that he was done. It was all uneven in the back and he didn't even cut the top of his hair. And he took it up really short in the back and on the was so sad! Doug was so mad that we had to pay $25 for a crap hair cut. Obviously, we had to get it fixed, so I decided to call this really nice salon and make him an appt. The girl there fixed his hair, although she had to cut it WAY short in order to even out the job that this whacko did on him! Did I mention that it cost us over $50 to get it fixed? Talk about an expensive trip...I could have gotten a massage for this kind of money!
So I saved the best part of the story for last. Those who know me well understand that I have no problem with confrontation, so I called the guy from Hairworks, and trying to be nice, asked him if he had a satisfaction guarantee policy. Of course he didn't understand what I was talking about, so I asked again if he would refund money if you weren't satisfied with your haircut. He said no, so I told him that my husband was in today and he had totally jacked up his hair and wanted his money back. He told me no, but that if we came in again he would fix it, although he did "exactly what Doug asked for" (even though Doug never got a chance to speak!) I told him that Doug wouldn't let him touch his hair with a ten foot pole, and why would we want to give him the chance to ruin it again?? He kept saying no, so I told him that if he didn't give us our money back, I would tell everyone I knew that he sucked at cutting hair and never to step foot in his salon. At this point, he chose to hang up on me. It briefly has entered my mine to see if its legal to picket in front of his store in the mall with signs about how he is a screw up, but I figured its probably not. So I settled for the fact that if I couldn't get our money back, at least I could ruin his day. I have posted a picture for you to see what this guy looks like. Obviously, the girl in the picture looks thrilled with her haircut as well. The website is, if any of you want to try and leave nasty comments on his website. Sweet, sweet revenge.....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Our New Home!

A lot has happened since my last (and only) post! After much prayer and deliberation, Doug and I decided to move to Washington DC. We were living in Wichita, KS, where Doug had a corporate job as an accountant for the past year and a half. Although he enjoyed accounting, his dream has always been to go to law school. I've been trying to prod him along these past couple of months...went for a couple of visits to Washburn U, signed him up with an LSAC account, etc. He wanted to take his time and study for the LSAT awhile, but we found out that he could take the February LSAT and still apply to get in for Fall '08. Unfortunately, as demanding as his job is, he wouldn't of had the time to study like he needed to beforehand. So we made the big move! I took a job in DC and he is taking off the month of January to study...and we are shacking up with my parents!! This will give Doug the time he needs to score well on the test and also to save money if he gets into school and I have to be the breadwinner for awhile! Overall, we are pretty excited about this next crazy step in our lives. Our parents are glad to have us here, and we have a nice set up in their basement, so I can't complain....although its no White House!!