Saturday, January 26, 2008

Last week of freedom!

I am officially beginning my last week of freedom. As of next Friday, I will be starting my new job with NACCRRA. NACCRRA is a non-profit organization that helps military families and Americorps/Vista members receive subsidized childcare monies. I know--totally not related to my criminal justice degree at all. I actually worked for them last summer when I was doing temp work, and I had a great time--the bosses and employees are great to work with, its a very relaxed atmosphere, and the salary is pretty good too. It's a great job for now, until I have a chance to pursue my real career dreams. Overall I'm excited to start working, although I know that once I can't sleep in all the time and watch movies everyday I will be greatly disappointed!
Doug is taking an LSAT prep class this weekend that is 9-5 on both Sat and Sun! I can't imagine sitting in a classroom for that long. He hasn't been scoring as high on his practice tests as he wants to, so hopefully this class will boost his score and give him the extra confidence he needs to go into his test next weekend. I feel bad for him, because we moved here so that he could have the time off to study, but he has been going to so many job interviews that it has really cut into his time to prepare. It was my fault, I sent in his application to Robert Half (an accounting head hunting agency) thinking that it would take a few weeks for them to process his application and get him hired. Boy was I wrong! They called him the next day, and he has gone to 9 or 10 interviews in two weeks. They are all great job opportunities for him, whether it is for the next 6 months until law school or if he doesn't actually get into school this year and has to work full time. So we will see what happens. Be praying for him to do really well on his LSAT!!!


Emily Johns said...

LOVE the blog...this is great! You may have inspired us to start one too! you know how LUCKY you are to have found this woman?? I'm telling you she is one in a million! We are praying for both of you this will be a big week full of twists and turns. We are confident that the Lord's will is going to become clearer....just keep looking ahead! (How 'bout that 163???!!!) Mom

audrey said...

Love you both and miss you bunches. Can't wait to see you guys soon!!!

Brian and Michelle said...

Just wanted you to know that I still check for updates everyday with the small hope that maybe you might have put something on here. It breaks my heart to see the same picture every time. I really miss you guys and would love to know what is going on with the JOHNS...

I love you though.